Videos for kids

At the moment, a lot of us have needed a few more videos than we might normally do - there's some great Christian content online, if you know where to look!
The Pilgrim's Progress – Out in cinemas last year and a great watch. Maybe for older children! You’ll need this link to watch it: View The Pilgrim’s Progress
Authors reading children’s Christian books
- Watch Dai Hankey reading Eric Says Sorry.
- Watch Trillia Newbell reading The Garden, The Curtain and The Cross.
- Watch Lauren Chandler reading Goodbye To Goodbyes.
- Watch Dai Hankey reading Eric Says Please.
- Watch Dan DeWitt reading The Friend Who Forgives
- Minno streams good Christian content. You may need to filter through some of the rubbish but there are some good finds in there.
- If you are a Netflix subscriber then you have access to the newer series of Veggie Tales. Good for the younger audiences.
- We have been watching SuperBook at church. Be aware that some of the episodes can mention death, sacrifice, blood etc., all biblical but maybe inappropriate for younger audiences.
- Saddleback Kids as they have a load of resources for younger children. Lifekids is more aimed at the very young but can still be engaging.