Sundays at 10am

Our 10am Sunday morning service is our ‘main event’ of the week.
During the service, we have activities for children and youth (babies up to school year Y9) - you can find out more about those here.
Service translation
If English is not your first language, or you find it difficult to hear, please use our SpeakSee system for spoken word subtitles on your mobile phone. Click on this link .

Activities for children
Children and youth are invited to join one of our age-appropriate Sunday morning groups - Start Central (up to 3yrs); Kids Central (preschool - Reception); Club Central (Y1 - Y5); Growth Central (Y6); or Youth Central (Y7 - Y9).

Seeking God Together
We meet together for a weekly prayer meeting 'Seeking God Together' which meets at the church on Sunday evenings at 7pm.

Missed a Sermon?
You can catch up on individual sermons, or subscribe to our podcast to ensure you’re always up to date. You can also watch recordings of services on YouTube, just search for cbchelmsford,
First Sunday Lunch
We share a meal with newcomers and those who have booked after the service in the upper hall on the first Sunday in the month.