Dare to be a Disciple 4 -- James son of Alphaeus, Simon the patriot, & Thomas.
23rd August, 2015
Dare to be a Disciple 4 -- James son of Alphaeus, Simon the patriot, & Thomas.
A sermon preached on 23rd August, 2015, as part of our Dare to be a Disciple. series.
Mark 3:13-19
Talk from part of a summer series of family services. Reading is Mark 3:13-19 ("Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles"), with a reference to 'doubting' Thomas in John 20:24-29. The service had earlier featured a quiz asking the congregation to name the inventors of several everyday items, such as Mr Biro and the ballpoint pen.
Leesa McKay

Leesa trained at Spurgeon's College and was ordained in April 2009. She served as an Associate Minister at Central Baptist betweeen 2010 and 2020. Before coming to Chelmsford in she was Associate Minister at Buckhurst Hill having previously been Director for Epping Forest Youth for Christ. Leesa was welcomed to fully accredited status at the Baptist Union Assembly in May 2013.
Dare to be a Disciple.
Dare to be a Disciple 1 -- Philip & Peter.
Sue Parrotte
2nd August 2015 -
Dare to be a Disciple 2 -- Nathanael & Matthew.
Leesa McKay
9th August 2015 -
Decisions of a Disciple (no. 3 in series).
Matt Rowe
16th August 2015 -
Dare to be a Disciple 4 -- James son of Alphaeus, Simon the patriot, & Thomas.
Leesa McKay
23rd August 2015 -
Dare to be a Disciple 5 -- James & John.
Hannah Drury
30th August 2015