2 Jesus Calls Us to Remember Him.
9th June, 2013
2 Jesus Calls Us to Remember Him.
A sermon preached on 9th June, 2013, as part of our Four `Words' from 1 Corinthians. series.
Mark 14:22-26
Readings are Exodus 12:1-14 (from "The Passover") and Mark 14:22-26 ("The Lord's Supper"), with references to Rom 5:8, Matt 28:20, Ps 116:13-14, and the Lord's Supper as described in 1 Cor 11:17-34; this sermon was followed by the Lord's Supper as part of the service.
About the Speaker
Paul Beasley-Murray

Paul is the chairman of Ministry Today, as also the College of Baptist Ministers, and from 1993 – 2014 was Senior Minister of our church.
Four `Words' from 1 Corinthians.
1 God Gives Leaders.
Paul Beasley-Murray
2nd June 2013 -
2 Jesus Calls Us to Remember Him.
Paul Beasley-Murray
9th June 2013 -
3 We Shall All Be Changed!
Paul Beasley-Murray
7th July 2013