Radishes & Royalty, part 2.
10th September, 2017
Radishes & Royalty, part 2.
A sermon preached on 10th September, 2017, as part of our Radishes & Royalty: Growing as a Child of the Heavenly King. series.
Matthew 13:1-23
Readings are Psalm 40:1-8 and Matthew 13:1-9 & 18-23 ("Parable of the Sower"), with references to Matt 12:46-50, the Sermon on the Mount in Matt 5:17-20, and the Fruits of the Spirit in Gal 5:22-25.
Leesa McKay

Leesa trained at Spurgeon's College and was ordained in April 2009. She served as an Associate Minister at Central Baptist betweeen 2010 and 2020. Before coming to Chelmsford in she was Associate Minister at Buckhurst Hill having previously been Director for Epping Forest Youth for Christ. Leesa was welcomed to fully accredited status at the Baptist Union Assembly in May 2013.
Radishes & Royalty: Growing as a Child of the Heavenly King.
A Focus on Vision.
Leesa McKay
3rd September 2017 -
Radishes & Royalty, part 2.
Leesa McKay
10th September 2017 -
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Radishes & Royalty 4 -- The Pharisee & The Tax Collector.
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Radishes & Royalty 5 -- Covenant Renewal.
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