Restoration 2.
11th October, 2015
Restoration 2.
A sermon preached on 11th October, 2015, as part of our Restoration. series.
John 8:2-11
Readings are Micah 6:6-8 (from "What the Lord Requires") and John 8:2-11 ("The Woman Caught in Adultery"), with references to Jeremiah 17:13 ("names written in the dust") and Matthew 23:23; stoning of adulterers is described in Leviticus 20:10 and Deuteronomy 22:22-24. As mentioned, some authorities put this passage elsewhere in John or following Luke 21:38. (The sermon was followed by communion and covenant renewal.)
Leesa McKay

Leesa trained at Spurgeon's College and was ordained in April 2009. She served as an Associate Minister at Central Baptist betweeen 2010 and 2020. Before coming to Chelmsford in she was Associate Minister at Buckhurst Hill having previously been Director for Epping Forest Youth for Christ. Leesa was welcomed to fully accredited status at the Baptist Union Assembly in May 2013.
Restoration 2.
Leesa McKay
11th October 2015 -
Restoration 3.
Martin Hills
1st November 2015 -
Remembrance Sunday -- Restoration and Reconciliation.
Leesa McKay
8th November 2015 -
Restoration -- Jesus Heals Ten Men.
Martin Hills
22nd November 2015